Ali was brought to Amecet around 10 days ago. He was brought by the Police, he was "found".... But they knew his name, we didn't have a good feeling about him. He was very malnourished, had decubitis wounds and he looked as if he had a brain damage. He was really in a bad shape, we think he can be 4 or even 5 years old. He can't talk and he can't chew his food.
The next day, Simon, our social worker went to the village where he was found. He talked with people and showed the picture of Ali. And via several people, he found the home where Ali came from.... He was dumped there by his mother (who disappeared) in the home of the grandfather. His parents separated and the father was doing business in South Sudan. The care in his new home was not good.........
Ali is not happy, he was treated by I.V. medication and feeding him, takes a lot of time and effort... But he has been gaining more than 1 kg. already. He cries often, as if he has pain... Dominique found the therapy!!!! She puts her phone with a film of Tom and Jerry and he laughs and laughs!!!! This is not an easy case, for now we work on getting him healthy and more strong, there is also a big task for our social workers, to make sure he is safe in the future!

This week another girl was brought by the Police. This was a real abandoned girl. not like Ali, who was brought to Amecet with lies.. The girl was stolen and taken to the village by a woman, who is on the run right now. We think, she is around 4 or 5 years old. She doesn't speak Atesso. the language from here, so she might come from far. She loves to play with the doll and carry it around the whole day. She doesn't like to sleep, but eats good. She is a cute girl, we took her to the doctor, we do that wit all the children who come to Amecet, and the doctor prescribed I.V. medication, because she has infected wounds all over her body. We call her Lucy, as we know no name, but there is sure a lot of work for the social workers around this girl.
Just now, while I was working at this blog, another child was brought.... A little boy of maybe 4 years old. He was found in the village and nobody knew from where he came. He will also be brought to the doctor, he also had wounds on his body and our Social Workers, Simon and Elias, are already busy with trying to find out more about him. When they are so young, they can't tell you who they are or where they come from. We have to go into the community with their picture and ask around... We will put them in the newspaper and announce over the local radio....
Pray with us that we find their families.......
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Tums up, Dominique!!