In the last blog I wrote about the many Goodbye's, but this time I write about the many hello's to the new children we received in the last 2 weeks.
The picture above is from Aron, he is a little boy of 3,5 years and he is very sad and malnourished. We got a phone call from the hospital. Aron was there in the nutrition ward and if we could help. We have to do exercises with him, because he can not walk, he has one hand and leg very stiff. He has gained already 2 kg. in two weeks!! He loves music and he loves eating!!
He can say a few words like " give me" in his language and he talks in himself in his own language!! But as you can see on the second picture, he looks more happy and healthy already.

On Sunday, baby Gladys was brought to Amecet. She was 1 day old. A sad story, Gladys was the ninth baby and the mother started to bleed after the delivery. She was brought to the hospital and given blood transfusion, but it was all to late. She died . the baby is healthy and very cute. They came to ask if we could help for some months. The baby will be stronger and they could handle it then better.
Yesterday, baby Sawum was brought by her father, two aunties and an uncle. This was also a very sad story. The mother had given birth alone in the hut. It was at night, the father was not at home and she gave birth and even tied the cord herself, but then she started to bleed....
She was able to alert the neighbours, but the help came too late and she died. She was also born on April first, but it wasn't a joke at all. She was brought to Amecet and we received her and took her to the doctor (as we do we all children who come to Amecet) . She is now given I.V. medication, because being born at home, under these circumstances has risks. We also heard that the mother was HIV+ and had Hepetitis B. So the baby will get medicines and will be tested for HIV when she is one month old.

Baby Joshua was brought today.. He is 5 weeks old and his mother passed away 1 week ago. He was born by Caesarian operation. The mother and the baby went home after 1 week and then the mother got sick. She became very weak and was coughing badly. The family brought her back to the hospital (with the baby). There the doctor did several tests and it showed that the mother was HIV+ and had TB. They were discharged and she died at home. She never told anyone that she was HIV+, she didn't take the medicines (ARV's) and she really suffered. The baby had gained only 200 grams since his birthweight. He is weak and malnourished. We took him to the doctor and they took blood for several tests. We went to the hospital for the HIV test and an X-ray was made of his chest. We went back to the doctor with the results and the X-ray is not clean. In two days we will take the baby and all the results to a specialist. There is a chance that little Joshua has TB, we have to wait at least 2 weeks for the results for the HIV test, but there is a chance he might be HIV+ as well.
He is now sleeping in his little bed, peacefully, we will care for him and love him, but his story is also very sad. We pray that he will be HIV- and that he will gain strength and weight...
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May God bless all these beautiful babies.
You do great work!