We have been struggling with little Peter, almost from day 1. The last 19 days , he has been on the Oxygen machine. We fed him every 2 hours via the NG tube and it was stressful... Our oxygen machine stopped working, and Peter couldn't be without the help of the oxygen machine. We could borrow the machine from the clinic next door, but you can imagine what a stress that gave, and of course those things happen during the night.... We are very thankful for the help from Doctor Engulu, our neighbour. He has been coming to see Peter several times and we also had the paediatrician coming to Amecet to examine him. She found a congenital heart defect, this might the reason why he was born so much smaller than his brother and still didn't grow much in spite of the feeding we gave him. On Wednesday 26th of July, it was tense, several times we saw his saturation coming down, but then it went up again. The doctor came to see him, but we did all we could do.... We just made sure that there was someone with him all the time, holding him, praying for him, talking to him. So, he didn't die alone, he was loved and at 2.45 pm we could lay him in the arms of Jesus. His struggle was over.
It left us all very sad, but also released, we had been very busy with him for 26 days and it didn't go better. He might have had more problems than we knew, and God took him Home to let him rest and where he is now, there is no sickness, and no more injections and oxygen tubes...
We bought a small coffin, and we brought the small body back to his relatives in the village. A bed was waiting outside and we placed the little coffin on it. The people sat down around it and I had to give a report what had happened with Peter. people could ask questions and they thanked us for caring for him. We left the family to do the burial and we went back to Amecet.

That same day, while we were busy with Peter, a family came with 2 babies', again twins... They were not even 12 hours old, their mother died because of severe bleeding. The family asked our help to care for the two little girls, while they are looking for someone to care for them. The two little girls were called Christine and Rose. They were small but looked healthy. we took them in, this was our fourth set of twins... The two girls are doing well, but we had to give them a NG tube to help them drinking, now they started to gain weight, so we might be able to remove the NG tube in a couple of days.
And that was not all, Two hours after they brought the twins, another baby was brought. This little girl was named Precious Gift and was born 2 days before. Her mother also died after giving birth by caesarean operation. She also lost a lot of blood and there was no blood available... I think it is beautiful that they gave her those names. They still see the little girl as a gift and not a burden. Precious Gift is a beautiful baby, but she also struggled with drinking, when you give her the bottle, she falls asleep after a couple of minutes and stops drinking. So we gave her also a NG tube, maybe just for a couple of days. We feed them first by mouth and when they don't want anymore, we give the rest by NG tube. We want the baby to train her sucking reflex, but also to give enough milk to grow on.
It was a sad day, to let Peter go, after fighting for his life for 25 days.... But we do have peace with it. Peter is in a good place right now and we continue to care for his twin brother Simon, the new twins, Christine and Rose and the new baby Precious Gift and all the other children we already had in Amecet.

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