Today we found our first eggs, from our new chickens...... This is a good thing, we got chickens before in our other house, but in the beginning of the year we reorganized our farm and we decided to bring the chickens there. We dismantled the chicken house and build a new one at the farm.

We got help from Frederico, who is a YWAM staff member from Argentina, he lives in Soroti with his family and he helps us to oversee and manage the Farm. We bought 100 small chicks and you can see on the pictures, that they like their new house and are free to walk out. They have enough space to roam around and today, Frederico brought us their first 2 eggs!!!. We will put boxes at the side where they will go to lay their eggs and we will enjoy the eggs in Amecet and we will sell the rest in town. We know God blesses the small beginnings!!!!

This week we got visitors, a group of Agriculture students from the university. They are a group of young people who want to do something in the society. Most of them were able to study because of a scholarship, they are so thankful for that and look for ways to do bless the community. They collected money among themselves and they bought many things for Amecet, like sugar, Omo, milk powder, diapers, special porridge flour etc. They also planted an Avocado tree and some flowers in our compound. They were so enthusiastic and joyful.. We talked with them about our Farm and they went with Andrew and Frederico to see the Farm. They had good advice and they will write some recommendations for us. On the left picture Fredrico shows them our drinking place for the cows, which fills automatically when the cows had drunk from it. At the right you see the whole group, together with Fredrico (right).
We have many plans for the Farm, we are so thankful for the gift we received from someone in the Netherlands and we can start working at some of the plans. We are organizing a greenhouse , where we can grow all the vegetables we eat in Amecet, so we don't have to buy them. That is the whole idea behind the Farm, that it will bring income to Amecet. We are preparing the land for some new cows, so we will have also the milk from the Farm. I will keep you informed in the future, but today we thank God for the small beginning!!!
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