Friday, it was almost 6 pm,, baby Grace was brought by the nurse from the maternity ward in Soroti Hospital. She came together with the mother and the auntie of the baby. The mother was a young girl of 17 years and she was still in Primary school. Nobody knew that she was pregnant and last week on Wednesday, she delivered alone, at school. Nobody saw it, she gave birth behind the pit latrine and when the baby and the placenta were out, she threw them in the latrine. The pit latrine are the toilets here, it is a very deep pit and the latrine is build on top. Especially on a school, the latrine is used a lot.

After that, the girl went home, it was around 10 am, all the children were in class. But some time later they heard something and discovered the baby down in the pit. The police was called and came, and the latrine was broken open at the back to get the baby out. By that time, the little girl had been for 5 hours in the pit. She was brought to Soroti hospital and cleaned and treated. The maggots were coming out of her ears and nose. The mother was found and the police brought her also to the hospital. The mother had to sit for her P 7 exams and so ended the baby in Amecet. The mother went home with the auntie and was told to sit for her exams, then, next week her case will be handled by the police and probation office. The little baby got the name of the nurse, Grace and is doing well.

It is a criminal act and serious, the mother is 17 years old, she is still a child. It happens more than you would want to believe. At the moment we also have a little boy in Amecet, who was thrown in the pit latrine by his 15 years old mother. We have had several baby's in the past, who were rescued out of the pit latrine, but it does make me wonder, how many baby's are thrown into the latrine without being found and rescued.... How desperate must a mother be, to do this???? Often they are young girls, who don't want anyone to know or who doesn't want to be send from school.
The media took it serious and we had several journalists come to Amecet to see the baby and to know how the baby was doing. The national TV came and it was seen several times in the national news bulletin yesterday.
The picture here is from Etop, the Local Teso weekly newspaper, there was also a big article about the little baby. It is sad, we don't know yet what will happen with the mother, the exams are over and the police will handle the case.
We also got a 15 years old, pregnant girl in Amecet on Monday. She is 25 weeks pregnant and was sleeping in the hospital, because she had nowhere to go. Our Social workers have been tracing her family already and there are talks going on with the family. Our nurse has taken her for her first antenatal check up and we took her for testing and scan, so that we know more about the length of the pregnancy and that we will not be surprised with a sudden delivery... This is again a sad case and we will try to find a safe place, where she can give birth to her baby girl.
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