Today is International Women's Day!! In Uganda it is a Public Holiday, all the school are closed.. But not for us, the women of Amecet, for us it is a normal workday,
But in the afternoon, the men served us a soda and biscuits.... Calvin, Emmanuel and Elias carried the soda's out to the hut where they were welcomed by an applause!!! We missed Simon, who was gone with a child to visit the village and David, who went to the Market to buy vegetables.
Of course there was enough for the men too to enjoy!!
But we let Emmanuel and Calvin fold the diapers, while we enjoyed our soda!!! (we helped them a bit, later).
Every two weeks we go with a small team to the women in the Soroti Prison, we visit the women who are in prison with small children. Every time it is different, we have mostly 10-12 mothers with small children. We bring them a small packet with one kg. Sugar, one kg. Porridge flour and one bar of blue laundry soap. Today, because it is Women's day, we felt to bless them with a bar of nice smelling soap, a pot of baby Jelli and some biscuits. It is not allowed to take pictures in Prisons, so I just took the picture of Emmanuel and Dominique filling the bags to take inside the prisons. The mothers were very grateful and clapped aloud! There was one mother who thanked us for the support that we had given to her during her time in prisons, she told us that she was coming out next week and that this was the last time we would see her. We pray that God will help her to build her life again outside prison...
Reactie plaatsen
So nice there is so much attention for the women today. In Holland It feel not special today too bee a women.
hallo, ik ben Jane, een Amerikaan, ik wil met je delen over supremloans1124@gmail.com waar ik mijn dringende lening zou kunnen krijgen om mijn bedrijf te financieren en al mijn schulden te betalen als je hier nog steeds op zoek bent naar een lening online, neem gewoon contact op met supremloans1124@gmail.com en u krijgt uw leningen zonder uitstel tegen 2%