On Wednesday I was at the graduation of our Harmony Pre-school. It was quite a party, 38 children were leaving the nursery school to go to Primary school. During the celebration, I got a phone call from our Social Worker, Simon. Please come to the Police station, there is a stolen baby, can you come to pick her? I was there with Helen, my daughter, so I asked her to come with me, to hold the baby, as I was driving. At the Police station, we found a young lady (maybe 25 ?) holding a small baby of around 6, 7 weeks. She was brought to the police by her land lord, because she suddenly came with a baby home and had not been pregnant and her stories were strange. The Police made a report and asked me to take the baby for safekeeping to Amecet. The lady had a very strange story, that someone had given her the baby, because the mother died and that she was to take care of her. But she didn't know names had no documentation. The Police put her in the cells and the next day, Simon and the Police drove with her to the area where she said they gave her the baby.. Helen and I took the baby to Amecet, we gave her the name baby Helen, because Helen had carried her..
The next day Simon came back and told us that nothing was true about the story that the lady had told us, nobody knew about her or a mother who had died. But....there was a report of 2 weeks ago, about a missing baby. That had happened on the Market. The parents of that missing baby were notified and they came to the Police, a report was made and the whole group, together with the police came to Amecet.

In the meantime, we also got, via the hospital, a 10 year old girl. She was helping her mother in the hospital and while she was there she was brutally raped. A very sad story, the girl has physical problems now and is on treatment. But today she was not fine, she had very high fevers.
Then last week we got a small boy of 2 years, abandoned by his mother, he is malnourished and sick and his name is: Daniel (4)......
Today a one day old baby was brought, his mother died after the delivery. He looks healthy, his weight is 2.5 kg.

We had put all the smaller baby's in one room, so when they came in the room there were 9 small baby's. The parents looked around and............walked up to the bed where baby Helen was laying. This is her, they said!!
And that was her, it was true, so the whole story is going to have a happy end, except for the lady who took the baby, she will have to go and stay in prison for a while,
The mother was very happy, imagine, a Prophet had come to their home to tell her that he had to come and tell her that she was sacrificed.. The mother believed that her little baby was dead. she was so happy that she saw her baby alive and well.
The family thought that they could take her right away, but that is not possible. This is now a police case and we need to have green light of the Probation Office and the Police.. We believe she will go soon back to her parents.

And tomorrow we start our 8th Amun week!!! We invited 43 children, who are all HIV+ and who have stayed with us in the past, to come for a week of encouragement, teaching, fun, counselling and good food. It is for them almost like a reunion, they see children they lived with in Amecet, of years ago. We have a tent in Amun compound and they all sleep in Amun home. It will be a very busy week. Please stand with us in prayer, that the week will be successful and that the children go back home changed and encouraged, knowing that even they are HIV+, but that they are special and that they can be anything they want to be. We got the T-shirts today, our theme for this year is : "I am a friend of God", from John 15:15. It is a theme we can encourage them to be a friend to someone, but also to let some one be a friend to them and above all, we can be friends with God!!!
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Zo fijn dat de politie de ogen goed open heeft voor deze misdaden.
Heel goede Amun week.