Amecet will lock down.....

Gepubliceerd op 30 maart 2020 om 15:13

Today Amecet is going to lock down, we are not closing, but we will have a serious lock down. The Corona virus has also reached Africa.... We had some volunteers, who left last week, when the airport was still open. Now all the borders are closed, the schools and churches are closed.  No public transport and we are waiting what the next restriction will be.... It is scary, there will be so much suffering, people live by the day and when there is no income today, what will they eat tonight??? There is violence, people who are  positive , are not safe, there is also a thinking with some people, that it is the fault of the foreigners, they brought the virus into Uganda. All the positive tests up till now, were Ugandan people, who came from travelling abroad.

Also in Amecet we have been thinking how we could be more safe and today we had a staff meeting. After the staff meeting all the staff who lives outside Amecet ( and comes to work everyday) will stay home until it is safe again. All the staff who lives inside the Amecet compound has agreed that they will go in quarantine with the children until it is safe again. There were some staff who lives outside, who also agreed to come and live inside Amecet. So we think we have enough people to care for the children, do the laundry, clean and cook..

We have been working hard during the last 10 days to re-settle the children who were due to go home, on the picture above, you see the Probation Officer from Soroti, handing over Hellen to her new foster mother. Hellen was abandoned as a new born baby and she will grow up now in her new family! There were some other children who were also brought home, to relatives or to their new foster family. It will reduce on the children in Amecet and on this way, we can easily handle everything.

It is strange to see everybody go home, knowing that you will not see each other for a while... This is our last team meeting for a while, we couldn't do the 1,5 meter in between... BUt we do hope that we will all come back again, when it is safe.

Please keep praying for Amecet, that we will not get serious sickness and that everybody will stay safe!!

Reactie plaatsen


5 jaar geleden

We will keep praying for all of you, in these times of sorrow!!

Anneke Groenendijk
5 jaar geleden

Wat een wijse beslissingen Els, maar ook wel moeilijke. Heel veel sterkte en ik bid dat jullie allemaal veilig zullen zijn. Gods zegen.

Truus van Middelaar
5 jaar geleden

Hope you have together mutch power too survive. Think a lot on you. Every day Els.

5 jaar geleden

Hallo Els,

Wat heftig, ik was al heel erg bang toen ik hoorde dat er in Uganda ook mensen besmet zijn. Dit is inderdaad een ramp. Zoveel kwetsbare mensen die dicht op elkaar leven. Ik snap je maatregelen m.b.t. Amecet, dit is de enige manier om de kinderen en de staf/medewerkers te beschermen. Houdt dit ook in dat jij, thuis zal blijven, net als Simon die ook zijn gezin heeft?
Ik wens je heel veel sterkte en kracht. Laten we hopen dat dit niet te lang gaat duren.
Warme groet Anke

Margreet Jans
5 jaar geleden

Heel veel sterkte gewenst, Els. Moge de Heer jou en de kinderen en de staff beschermen. Habakuk 3 :17 - 19. Ik ben nog op Bulamu met een gedeelte van de kinderen die niemand hebben om te zijn. Bid voor jou en allen daar.