Gabriel survived........his mother not.

Gepubliceerd op 17 maart 2020 om 12:20

Gabriel was brought to Amecet on Saturday evening. His mother had been in a traffic accident and was killed on the spot. She had been holding Gabriel (3 months old) in her arms. Gabriel survived, but he has big wounds on his head from scraping over the ground.

Emmanuel was brought to Amecet last week. He is the younger brother from a child we had in Amecet some time ago. The mother has a mental illness and is not able to care for her children. The sister has a hydro cephalous and the grandmother cares for her. The little boy was small and the mother got aggressive, so the grandmother had asked us for help. It is also a very sad situation, we started the baby on medication, because we don't know  the mother HIV status.  He is drinking fine now, his weight is 2.4 kg.  

t is sad to seen this little boy like this, knowing that he also lost his mother....

We took him directly to the doctor and he was put on IV, medication. Our nurses are cleaning his head twice a day. On the picture left you see Clare, our Ugandan nurse and Anjo our Dutch nurse working on him.

It is painful for him and we also keep a close eye on his ,milk intake, he misses his mothers breast and now he gets a bottle, this is also not easy for him. We do see a progress in this. When he is recovered, he will go back to his family.








And this is  baby Divine, she is born on the same day as baby Emmanuel, but her weight is 4.2 kg. She was brought to Amecet at half past 12, in the middle of the night. Her mother had suddenly died,  her situation is also very sad. The mother was raped and became HIV+ as well, because of this.  She was only 20 years old...

We started baby Divine also on the special medicines until we can do the HIV test to see if she is HIV+ or HIV -




Please keep us in your prayers as the world is in the ban of the Carona virus, also here in Africa are things changing and we pray that we will be able to care for the children we have in Amecet.  We are praying for you, that God keeps us safe!!!!!

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