Two premature baby's...

Gepubliceerd op 16 april 2021 om 13:05

This is Deborah (at the back) and her twin brother William (front). Last week Thursday, we got a call from the hospital in neighbouring district, that a mother has passed away, leaving 2 baby's behind...... The mother was only 7 months pregnant, but she had developed pre -eclampsia and the Doctors had preformed a Caesarian operation, trying to save the mother and the 2 baby's.  Unfortunately, the mother passed away. The family asked us if we could take the two mini baby's to Amecet. Honestly, when I saw them, I had to swallow, they were so small..... The little girl's weight was 950 gram and the boy weighed 1200 gram. We have had small baby's under 1 kg. in Amecet, but they didn't make it. What to do??? They would for sure die at home, those baby's need a lot of care, warmth, hygiene and feeding..... often they develop complications, because they were not ready to be born.... Earlier that morning I had read in a devotion that we get sometimes chances offered, it is to us what we do with them...... We don't have to do it alone..... So we took them in the car, back to Amecet. We took them directly to the doctor and we had to give them several days IV medication. We gave them both a NG tube and we set up a feeding schedule, with taking temperature, writing down urine and stool etc. At first we fed them only 5 ml. every 2 hours. They couldn't handle more... William didn't poop, so we prayed for poop and he did after 4 days. Now they are both regular with urine and poop.  They are now 8 days with us and they have gained!!!!!! Deborah was 950 gram, now she is 1105 gram and William was 1200 gram and today he is 1370 gram.  We are very happy with this, but we realize that they are not yet  out of the danger zone. They are laying in a separate room, which we keep as warm as possible. we have assigned one staff to attend to them and we pray that they will pull through, please join us in praying for those two precious children.....


It has been a while since I wrote the last post here, but we have not been resting..... More children are coming again, and we have also been busy  with organizing the staff and hiring a new nurse. Covid 19 is still here in Uganda, but people are getting relax. Because as Amecet, we were also locked and the staff is getting restless, it takes too long now, they were allowed to go out on their free day, but for the rest not, In the last 2 weeks almost all the staff has been vaccinated with the Covid vaccine and this week we have allowed the staff to go outside Amecet before and after their shift. Still they have to be wise and careful, but I think it is good for their moral! 



On March 31, Ivan was brought to Amecet. He is 20 months old and he can't stand on his legs. He is very weak and very sad... (see picture).

His weight was 6 kg. His mother abandoned him  and he is HIV+. It took some days for him to get used to us, the food and the routine we have, but he is doing so much better. He smiles, plays and when he sees food , he wants to eat!! He loves to drink milk!!

We are giving him his ARV's on time and get him used to them. The father is found and after Amecet he will go to his father.

It is such a joy to see him change, life is coming back to him!!!!

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