In the blog of April 16, I wrote about Ivan, a small malnourished boy. He was abandoned by his mother and he was HIV+. Last week we could bring him back to the village, to his father.... he is strong, smiling, healthy and almost walking!!! It is sometimes hard to let children go, you start to love them, but they belong with their family and we pray and hope he will do well there. ( we keep in touch with them)...
The last blog was about the twins who both passed the 2 kg. , they do very well, William is over the 3 kg and Deborah over the 2,5 kg. The NG tubes are gone, they drink by themselves enough to grow on! And they have a temperament, especially Deborah, my that girl can scream!!! We got another set of twins two weeks ago, but after 5 days the father came to take them out, he found a children home where they will keep them 4 years!!! We only take children for 2 or 3 months, then we re-settle them back with their relatives, because we believe that children belong to their families..... I think it is sad that those beautiful children will grow up in a children's home instead with their own relatives.

Some other children went back home, David went back to his father, (his mother died after his birth), Faith was picked up by her grandparents. and some new children came into Amecet.........

Edmond was brought by his father, the mother passed away, after the delivery. Edmond was a very small and weak baby. His weight was 2.2 kg and he didn't want to drink. He is now our smallest baby and we gave him a NG tube to drink, he was too weak to drink by himself from the bottle. He looked a bit yellowish and we went back to the doctor with him, because we didn't see much improvement or weight gain. The doctor started him on some IV medication and now we think he is coming out a bit....
Then two days later we got a phone call from the Police; a small, new 2 weeks old baby boy was found in a pit latrine. They brought the baby to Amecet and the Police went on to do investigations, trying to find the mother...
The baby was 2.3 kg. and had wounds and rashes on his body. He is a beautiful little boy and he likes to drink.

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