This is James, he is a miracle baby!!! On this picture, he is 3 months old and we are rejoicing, because he is going back to his family!! He is a very cute baby, smiles a lot and everybody loves him.... But if you have time to read our blog of 26 th of August, you would not believe that this is the same baby!!

We almost forgot how we struggled with him.. He was born 6 weeks premature and his mother died some days after the delivery because of sever bleeding. His weight was 1.6 kg. at first it looked to go well, but then he started to have fever, vomiting, and his abdomen started to swell. The doctor prescribed I.V. medication, at one point we stopped the feeding and he only got I.V. fluids. He was so small and so delicate. His veins could only hold the cannula for 24 hours and then they collapsed, then he had to be pricked again and again. He was on the oxygen machine, it was really hard, we asked you, in the blog of August 26, to pray with us for the life of this little boy. There was a time, we really thought that he would not make it............
But giving up is no option.......
James came through and started to gain, became stronger and the medication was stopped, after some time we changed the special milk formula into cow's milk, this is all in the process to make him ready to go home... (milk formula is too expensive, people can't afford it) He was smiling, responding to people and we are so thankful that we could hand over a healthy, smiling, 3 months old baby to his auntie, who will take care of him...

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