Maybe you heard that the schools were closed in Uganda for almost 2 years..... January 2022 all the schools opened again and Elias, one of our two social workers , has been very busy to help the students we sponsor. With the help of a study support of the foundation The Figurant from the Netherlands, we are able to sponsor a number of students with their secondary school or life skill course. We focus mostly on the children living with HIV/AIDS and who are orphans. To give them a chance to be able to get a living after their school or course.
Elias is the person to help them to choose what to do, which school or which course. Someone may want to become a lawyer, but you need to have the ability to become a lawyer or a teacher. Elias sits down with them to counsel and to hear what they want. Elias is also the one to connect them with the school or course and to pay the school fees. All of them are in boarding schools and we are sure that they have a bed and meals during the day. There are many requirements for the student to bring to school, we have some students who have to bring all a bag cement when they come on the first day.... The school is still building classrooms and the cement helps with the building...
They all need uniforms, every school is different, many big notebooks, reading books and with the covid time, they all need to bring a big bottle of hand disinfectant, Vim and 10 rolls of toilet paper. Then every student needs a matrass, soap, a metal box to keep his belongings safe and many other things. Elias is busy to provide all these things for each student.

The first two students, Helen and Mary Christy, are in secondary school, then Sylivia is doing a course to become a tailor and Mary, the last one, studies in Kampala for her diploma in nursing. Four different locations, four different studies, but all of them are getting a chance to make a future for themselves.

Some other examples: Rebecca, she wants to become a Plumber, Joseph is doing a course in welding , than Silver just started a course in Motor cycle repair and Charles is in Secondary school. Then we still have Vicky (no picture) she follows a course for secretary and Sarah, who is also in secondary school.
We hope that this year there will be no other closure, it was very hard on the students, to be home for so long.....
In the past I have written about the Harmony schools, ran by YWAM. In January 2022, we were able to start the nursery school again. We had to close the Primary school. There were too many debts and so many parents didn't pay the full school fees. To find the right teachers has been difficult in the primary school, so we had to come to that difficult decision to close the school. The Nursery school is still going on and we were able to renovate the school in December, to make sure that the children could come in January. When buildings are not used, the bats and termites are taking over..... It was a joy to see the children coming back and also the teachers were so happy to be back in teaching...

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