She smiled!!!!!!

Gepubliceerd op 17 januari 2024 om 10:57

Of course, she doesn't smile on a picture, but really, she smiled to me... I am writing about Faith Adongo, part of the twins who was brought to Amecet in November. On the picture you can see her sister, Apio Grace, behind her in the little bed, she is still on oxygen and we feed her by NG tube. In the blog of November 23, you can read their story, how they came to us. Since that time we have been struggling with them, especially with Grace, the smallest one. Grace was only 1.2 kg in weight when she came, today her weight is 2.6 kg, so we see improvement there. Faith was 2.1 kg when she came and today her weight is 3,5 kg. Faith is doing quite well, but Grace is not doing so good, she is again on oxygen, now for already 3 weeks. We took them to the doctor, because several times they crashed. Grace even 3 times and Faith once. The doctor referred us for a heart scan, first with Grace and the scan showed 3 holes in her heart, 2 of them might still close, but one of them was a question. We took also Faith for a scan, as the identical twin sister, she had also 2 holes in her heart, but they might close by themselves.  

We were referred to the pediatrician, he looked at both of them, examined them and told us to feed them well, and we wait if the holes will close when they grow. When they are sick, we have to check their saturation (level of oxygen in the blood) and if it is low, we have to put them on oxygen...

They both got malaria, even they sleep under the mosquito net, and that is why Grace is still on oxygen after recovering of the the malaria. Tomorrow we have to go back to the pediatrician with Grace. I will first call the clinic and ask if the doctor is there, then we will drive fast in the car and he will check her directly. We have a small saturation meter, which we can take with us in case she gets in trouble. The clinic has oxygen in case she needs it... 

Because of the malaria, we decided to spray the house, today. That is a major operation... All the baby's have to stay outside in the hut, all the sheets and beddings have to go outside and David and Simon went to spray the house. Also Grace was outside on the veranda, on oxygen and all the bottles were brought outside, changing diapers was done outside... It will take some hours to get the smell away and the baby's can come back inside. It is good that it is a beautiful sunny day, without rain...

I wrote the last blog just before Christmas, a lot have happened since that day, we got new children and children have gone back home. Half of our team was free at Christmas and when they came back on 28/12, the other half of our team went home, to be free with new year. It was busy and I was so happy that everybody came back on 4/1/24...  We are now busy to hold a big CELEBRATION, We never celebrated our 20 years anniversary, it was still in Covid time. Last year it didn't happen either, so we decided this year, we celebrate our 22 years anniversary.. We have been hearing rumors that people think that we were closed after Covid and that we are not helping children anymore. We also see that we are not having many HIV+ children anymore, that is because the good program for the protection of mother to child infection. We are getting more malnourished children, still baby's whose lost their mother after delivery and children in a crisis, abandoned or abused. We have a gathering on Friday 19/1/2024 in our garden in Amecet. We invited the government people who are dealing with children, in the 10 districts from the Teso region. We want to celebrate God's faithfullness and share what Amecet has done during those 22 years and also share that we are still there and what we expect to do the coming years.  It is a big event for us, we will have 2 tents in the garden, a lunch for 150 people. The staff is great, they are helping and also singing and they do a dance on that day. We have a program and we hope that all the invited guests are coming. Tomorrow we will go in a life radio program and it will be so good to have all those key people here to see what we are doing and how we can serve the children better, but together with them.

We are so thankful to God, that we can do this work, for all the support that we get from you that enables us to continue what we have done for the last 22 years. Everything started 23 years ago, with meeting this little girl Sarah, who was truly the inspiration for this beautiful ministry. Sarah didn't live more than 21 years, but she left a legacy, a ministry caring for the children who can not speak for themselves, who are suffering and are often unwanted..

But God spoke for them, He wants them and loves them, we, as Amecet are blessed to serve those little one's.


More news about the Celebration will follow soon... as usual, we got a new baby yesterday and I expect twins baby's to be brought today....


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9 maanden geleden

Goed om te lezen Els. Sarah was 'de aanstichter'van dit mooie project en wat was ze geliefd bij jullie. Heel veel plezier bij jullie feest. Ik kijk uit naar de foto's.

9 maanden geleden

Congratulations on your 22nd anniversary.
Wishing you many blessings for the years to come.
Kind regards from the Netherlands.