Twins, Twins and..........Twins!!!

Gepubliceerd op 26 januari 2024 om 15:38

At the moment, we have 3 sets of twins in Amecet. On the picture you see them laying according their age... Left we have Grace Apio and Faith Adongo. They are 4,5 months old. They have been with us since half November. They were very small when they came, weighing 1.2 kg. and 2.1 kg. As you can see, they do quite well, but we are struggling with them. They have both small holes in their heart and Apio has been mostly on our oxygen machine. We take her off more and more, while monitoring her saturation. Her sister Adongo has a problem with her right arm, the doctor thinks that it was damaged while she was born, We do exercises with her. Their weight is now 2.8 and 3.7 kg.

These are the second in age, they were born on 22/12/2023, their names are Abraham Opio and Joseph Ocen

They arrived in Amecet 3 days ago. They were born premature and their weight is just over 1 kg.!! They are so small and so delicate... They are staying  in our medical room and we also feed them there. They are 1 month old, but so small... They stayed in the neonate room in Soroti hospital for all that time. The head nurse asked us if we could help, because they didn't think the mother could cope with them at home. We gave them a NG tube yesterday, because sucking from the bottle takes too much energy for them. We feed them with special feeding formula, which we got from the Netherlands. We hope and pray that they will start gaining and growing. They are now so vulnerable for infections. Pls. pray for them and also for us that we handle them well. 

And our youngest twin are Emmanuel Opio and John Ocen, they were born on Christmas day, 25/12, they are 3 days younger than Abraham and Joseph, but they are much bigger.. They were also premature, but not so much as Abraham and Joseph. They were brought to Amecet last week, they were 3.5 weeks old and they were still under their birth weight. Their mother died after giving birth and the family has real troubles feeding them. On the picture they are really crying, but they are normally okay. Emmanuel had malaria and we gave him treatment. Their weight is over the 2 kg.

You can image that those 6 baby's ask for a lot of attention. We know how easy it is for those little one's to get an infection.  But I also share this with you to get your help.. Would it be possible to send us a packet of premature baby diapers?? We use cotton diapers for our children, but those little baby's are too small for them. there are diapers for small baby's size 0 from Pampers. If we would  get some packets, we will have enough for them...

Then the next need is the feeding. Those little one's need special feeding, which you can't get here in Uganda. We got from the Netherlands tins with special feeding for low birthweight infants. Those are ideal for them, we are using them now, we still have some, but I think we will get more of those little baby's in the future. Maybe there are people among you who wants to send 1 or 2 tins to us?? They are from Nutricia and really good. 

We are grateful for your help, your prayers and your support in any way.

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