Amecet Story 6. Introducing: Amecet Leadership Team (ALT)

Gepubliceerd op 27 mei 2024 om 16:19

This is the present leadership of Amecet: (L to R)  Dominique, Andrew, Pius, Simon and Els.  We meet every Monday morning to discuss the present situation and to plan the week. Dominique is responsible for the daily activities in the house, she is like our home manager, Andrew is a Counsellor and he talks with people, the staff, but also people who come at our doorstep for help. He keeps an eye on the maintenance of the house and he goes also out to the villages with the social workers to visit the families. Pius and Simon are our Social Workers, They are going out to the villages a lot. And then me, I am a lot in the office, doing the administration, finances, the P.R.  organize the ALT meetings and the Staff meetings, keeping an eye on the medical team and in between........ cuddle baby's......

We have a great team, there is honesty and openness and I feel privileged to be part of this team.

This was the first leadership team, just two people, Helen and Els. This was when we started in 2001...

Helen was a big support, when we started up and helped putting down the foundation of Amecet. We have had more people in the past, who came for a season, but were a great blessing to Amecet and did a lot of work and helped to make Amecet what it is today!!!

Josephine (wife to Simon) was my right hand in the medical team for at least 6 or 7 years... She was so gentle with the children and I trained her in many medical things. She was trustworthy and, being a mother herself, so good with the children and the families. She was a big asset in the leadership team.

Elias was  in our leadership team for many, many years... He came several times to help us during the time that he was still busy with his study, he did his internship in Amecet and after that he came to work with us as a qualified Social Worker. He really has a heart for the children and also was not afraid to get dirty. His first day that he came back to work with us as a Social Worker, he cleaned all our water tanks!! 

Elias has been of great value in Amecet, we are what we are now, also because of his input!!

Ton and Arja were with us for around 6 years and were leading during that time our home Amun, for the older children. They were also part of the leadership team. It was so good to see them taking the older, HIV+ children into their hearts and treat them as their own children. I know they had a lot of input into their lives. We closed the home after 6 years, because of the changes from the Ugandan government and that re-settling the children at home became an important issue. Arja was also involved in the Harmony nursery and primary school of YWAM and Ton was very talented in making films and pictures.

Janneke has been several times in Uganda to help us and was a big blessing in the medical team. She is a nurse, but she loves the children so much. She was professional, but so loving and gentle... We learned a lot from her. She was also in the leadership team, where she gave us her practical and clear input.

Sometimes people come for a season, but God can use them to do just that part what they could do and I feel those 5 people have been a big blessing to us and to Amecet.  Without their input, we would not be what we are now!!

We want to say EYALAMA NOI to them and we ask your prayers for the present ALT team, that we will make the right decisions and do things on God's way.

To be continued.....

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