Amecet Story 8. Introducing: The Medical Team

Gepubliceerd op 9 juni 2024 om 14:16

Today I would like to introduce our medical team. We get very often very sick children, who are in need of medical attention and extra care. I am not talking about a cold, some cough or malaria, but about seriously sick children, whose life is at risk.... That is why our medical team is very important. When a new child is taken into Amecet, the medical person on duty, will take the child to the doctor (next door). Tests will be done and treatment will be prescribed. The medical team works together to fulfil the prescription. It might be just oral medication, but very often it is IV medication. They will give the baby/child a cannula and the schedule for the times to give the medication, is made.  At the moment we have 3 people in our team (l to R) Sharon, Joanna and Immaculate. Immaculate lives in the Amecet compound, so she will give injections at night, if needed. She is also available to be called at night, if anything is needed. 

Many nurses have been helping us the 22 years Amecet is operating, and we realize that we also want to honour them in this blog. Each one of them brought something unique to our care for the children and each one of them have held very sick and even dying children in their arms and sat at their bed...

And many more other short-term volunteers and nurses' students for their practical, all of them left something good behind.. As Amecet we are grateful for all the volunteers who helped in the medical team!!

The work of the medical team is: keeping an eye on the health of the children. If there is a child not drinking or eating well, they become alert, they will take the child for a blood test, often there is malaria. They are responsible that the child gets the right treatment, with the help of the doctor. But we do have children on IV drip, on IV medication and even on blood transfusion, when the child is severe anaemic. Pre-mature babies are brought, who sometimes are weighing 1 kg. the medical team cares for them, make sure they inform the caretaking team, all for the good of the children. The doctor sometimes requests us to go to another clinic for a scan or X-ray for a child. We have also children who we take to the Physiotherapy in the Hospital, and we had several children in the past, who had to go for special tests or chemotherapy to Kampala. It is a very demanding job, and we ask your prayers for them.

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