Today was a day of happy endings, three children were leaving Amecet with their new parents who started the fostering process in order to adopt the child. The Probation officer Adotu Amos (right on the picture) came to Amecet to hand the children officially over to their new parents.

Rebecca's biological mother has mental problems and Rebecca has gone from home to home in the family. There was no one who wanted to care of her. Our Social Workers did all they could, but nobody wanted to take her in their home. We are grateful for this couple who really want to give Rebecca a home and a future. This is the second child they took from Amecet into their home.

Jasper was brought by his grandfather, he was malnourished and very behind in his development. His mother had died and the grandfather couldn't cope with Jasper anymore. There was no relative who was willing to care for Jasper. In the home of this couple, Jasper is wanted and they will love and care for him

Cissy was brought by Probation Office (child protection unit) to Amecet. She has been kidnapped years ago and doesn't know where she is coming from exactly. We have tried to find relatives, but no one reacted. This lovely couple addopted a small girl some time ago, via Amecet and they love to have Cissy in their family as well. Cissy has a home now and she will go to school and have a normal childhood from now on...
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