It is so amazing that Helen Raby (from UK) and I moved into Amecet, on 15 December 20 years ago..... We could only use half of the house, in the other half of the house was still a lot of work to do. My room was our living room until the big living room was finished. Three days later we picked Sarah from the village. Sarah was the inspiration for Amecet. I met her in the village and she touched my heart. She was so sick and so weak. I promised her that she would be the first child in Amecet, and there were times that I didn't know if she would make it..
Sarah was the first child, many would follow her, today 1089 children have lived in Amecet. Many went back to their relatives, quite a number went to live in foster families and were adopted. And for a number of children, Amecet was a doorway to Heaven, they are now with their Heavenly Father......

Because of Corona, we celebrated it small, only with the staff of Amecet. The plan is that we have a celebration later with many of the children who are now in the villages. But we have to see how it all will go with Corona..
We watched a film together which showed the construction of Amecet, the first children, the first staff, some volunteers had send their greetings via the film. We saw many faces of children, children who had made us shed tears, children we had to fight for, in everything we saw the goodness of God, His faithfulness and His Provision.....

We had a time of thanksgiving and praise to God, He is the One who made is possible that we could reach out to all those children during those 20 years..

Ofcourse we had a meal together!! We ate pork and it is a local meal, which is eaten from big trays. So everybody made circles and we enjoyed the meal and the company of each other

We are thankful to God and we look forward to what He will do in our midst in the future.
We are also thankful to our friends all over the world, who stood with us all those years. We pray God's blessing over you!
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